
Showing posts from March, 2021

Arc 1: Shuffle 1

Jadewood City wasn't as bad during the day as it was at night, but it was a minute difference; the city became kinder, but the people meaner. Limelight University was a perfect example of that, if I say so myself. "Can you like, get out? Please?" Some top-heavy lackey with cornrows said to me, syrupy sweet with her words. I glanced around the table I was sitting at during lunch and vaguely realized that quite a few distinguished teens had decided to encroach on my personal space; it could only mean one of many things... "Hey there friend, how're you doing?" The owner of the arm draped across the back of my chair asked. "Hi Samuel, just leaving, I guess." I replied, ignoring the look of victory in bimbo #26's eyes as I packed up what remained of my lunch and fled the table. Some of the voices getting angry, probably about me not standing up for myself, but I ignored them as keeping my secrets and thus myself safe was a higher priority. I didn