
Showing posts from February, 2021


 The whispers in my head snickered collectively at my failure as I kept running through backstreets and dingy alleys. Yeah, well screw all of you. Not like this ain't your fault in the first place. So, want to know why I'm running? I'll give you a few hints; a bunch of muscleheads, a convenience store, a terrified but attractive cashier and my goddamned sticky fingers. It's hilarious, really. I can see why the voices think it's funny; I walk into a store to steal stuff because I'm a klepto with a peanut gallery in my head egging me on, when I realize that the place I regularly shoplift from is being robbed. This pisses me off because of said greed not wanting anyone to steal stuff except I steal stuff. Yeah, dumb, I know. Not even the worst part though. The worst part is where I put up a baclava, my snazzy #Night Goggles# and then proceed to absolutely kick ass, handling the thieves like an honest to God superhero, when.... I can't help myself and swipe an


Hugh Yates is a normal, well adjusted, sane teenager. He doesn't listen to the voices in his head, he obeys his crazy uncle, he even goes to the cesspool that is Limelight University with a smile... So why does he always end up with these blinding headaches? Why does he find his awkward self surrounded by things that only he can see, and why for all that is good in the world can he not keep his grubby mitts from stealing everything that's not nailed down?! Join Hugh as he navigates the treacherous waters of his campus grounds with gangs, cults and coppers galore while trying to keep his kleptomania at bay. Did he forget to mention that he turns things he takes into cards? No? Well, okay then.